The Eclectic Mix
Sundays, 18:00 (The Rock Diner, Saturdays 18:00)
Favourite tracks sequenced by special guests and/or interview

Alan Jones
Sundays 18:00 (Second Sunday of the month)
Alan's Mix is also included in the Rock Diner sequence
(Saturdays 18:00)
For Alan, a prerequisite in any music is that it has 'balls' -
not necessarily crunching riffs, far from it in fact, but it
must have something to say to the listener - music to listen to,
not just a background to whatever lifestyle you have. 'Don't let
Simon Cowell win - the whole future of music is at stake!!'
Alan is a great proponent of prog so expect some in each
Check out Alan's reviews at
Contact Alan

Jamie Field
Jamie's Mix is included in the Rock Diner sequence
(Saturdays 18:00)
Jamie selects a varied mix of music that reflects his
varied record collection and musical taste.
Since 2001 he has been one of the mainstays of melodic/prog rock band
Mermaid Kiss.
Mermaid Kiss website
Page updated 30.07.16
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